Graham James Primary School Uniform Policy
The children are expected to wear school uniform at all times when school is in session.
The school colours are red, grey and white.
- Trousers/Skirt/pinafore – Grey
- Blouse or shirt – white
- Polo shirt – red or white
- Jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan – red or grey
- Year 6 – white shirt and school tie
Uniformwise,, that includes reversible shower-proof fleeces, sun hats, woollen hats, sweat shirts, cardigans, ‘T’ shirts (no collar for P.E.), P.E. bag and polo shirts (red or white) all bearing the school logo.
All children should wear black leather/leather look shoes with flat heels.
We expect the children to wear the school uniform throughout the year. The wearing of “beach and holiday” clothes is not allowed.
Physical Education:
It is important that the children change into suitable clothing before starting their lesson.
The following is our recommended list for P.E. kit.
Boys and Girls:
- White `T’ shirt
- Red or black shorts
- Plimsolls for indoor work (with their name in)
- Trainers for outdoor work (with their name in)
- (for outdoor P.E. in the winter the children should bring in a tracksuit top and bottoms – any type)
- White socks – no tights