Eversley Primary School Uniform Policy
Eversley Primary School prides itself in having pupils which turn up for school smartly dressed in their uniform.
School Uniform:
- Brown trousers, shorts, brown skirt or pinafore dress (no jeans, cord or legging material)
- Sky blue shirt, polo shirt or blouse
- Brown jumper or cardigan
- Blue/white check school dress
- Plain brown, white or black tights or socks (unless being worn under long trousers)
- Plain black school shoes or trainers (no white markings or logos please)
- Hair accessories in school colours (blue/brown) or black or white, and not too large
PE Kit:
- Blue polo top/t-shirt
- Black shorts
- Outside PE kit needed from Year 1 onwards/Plain black track suit and trainers
- Plain black trainers (no white markings or logos please)
- For all PE lessons, earrings must be removed. Following national professional guidance, earrings cannot be taped for sporting activities